Florence from the Rooftops

Florence from the Rooftops

mercoledì 28 aprile 2010


Hi, welcome to my blog! This a new adventure for me and I really hope you like it! I have been living in Florence since last September and have been loving every minute of it! The exceptional creative talent that seems to exude from every aspect of art, architectural design and sculpture awakens my senses every day. As everyone knows Italian fashion is synonymous with quality, elegance and style and where better to see some of the finest pieces of clothing from fashion era's gone by then the many vintage shops dotted around the city of Florence! Constantly browsing and coming across unique pieces is what inspired me to set up my blog and I also wanted to form a sort of archive for the clothes that I couldnt afford to buy that would eventually be sold! The photographs will serve as a memory for me and maybe one day I will come across these pieces again! It is also a great platform to share with fellow vintage lovers the bespoke and authentic Italian-made vintage clothing and accessories for all to see!

1 commento:

  1. Hi!!
    We are also of Florence and we have allready open a blog..
    If you would like to look it it'is www.paillettesandchampagne.com
    I actually work at Polimoda and I love it!
    Maybe we can meet for a drink together!
